by yimiris | 4 月 4, 2019 | Drawing
素描的長河 回憶起20世紀60年代初,我正在廣州美術學院附中唸書,當首次見到郭紹綱教授自蘇聯留學帶回的人體素描時,我真是受到了極大的震動!同年夏天又赴北京,參觀了徐悲鴻紀念館,目睹大師好多素描原作。從此,我就被素描深深地吸引住了。90年代,我先後赴歐洲、美國,在各大美術館中,特別留意了達.芬奇、拉斐爾、倫勃朗、安格爾、德加、凡.高的素描作品。最近,又遠飛俄羅斯,將契斯恰柯夫、列賓、謝洛夫、弗魯別爾及列賓美術學院陳列館中的優秀畫作一一拜讀。至此,我彷彿沿著大師們的足跡,遊覽了素描的長河,這長河兩岸景色綺麗,美不勝收。...
by yimiris | 11 月 10, 2018 | Drawing
It seems that classical bust study is no longer offered in art programs and still life is the common entry level drawing class is drawing classes are offered at all. I seem to have lived under a rock for I have practiced drawing, including cast drawing, alongside my...
by yimiris | 10 月 30, 2018 | Drawing, Other
Renowned novelist Louis Cha Leung Yung (better known by his pen name Jin Yong) passed away on October 30, 2018 at the age of 94. According to Wikipedia, he was the best selling Chinese author by the time of his death. More than 100 million of his books have been sold...
by yimiris | 10 月 23, 2018 | Drawing
This is the second post about sketching. In the previous post, we talked about the importance of sketching. In this post, we will talk about how to sketch and strengthen your sketching skills. One of the blog readers asked how to sketch a subject in action. The short...
by yimiris | 10 月 14, 2018 | Drawing
by yimiris | 10 月 7, 2018 | Drawing
Drawing is the foundation of all genres of art related to form. If there is inaccuracy in oil painting or other media in form, it’s usually a drawing issue. Classical bust study is the foundation of drawing. Just how important is classical bust study in drawing?...