How oil painting reproduction became an important part of my art education

How oil painting reproduction became an important part of my art education

1980年9月,我提請赴香港、台北處理父親後事的申請獲得批准,於是,帶著極少的行李由深圳跨過羅湖海關的木橋來到了香港。從此開始了人生第一大的轉變。 我與早幾個月到的弟弟、母親還有從海南島申請來港的老同學、老朋友李昌柏擠在九龍觀塘的一間極狹小的電梯舊樓房間。由於我在廣東生活廿十多年,語言不成問题,倒是很快就適應了香港的生活。此時身無分文,必需馬上投入工作。...
How to paint oil portrait from life

How to paint oil portrait from life

The portrait is a painting style that was established during the Renaissance and its earliest example was the Mona Lisa. Since then all major Western painters whose work featured people have been masters of portrait painting as well. Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael and...